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PHPDevelopmentTools(PDT)isalanguageIDEpluginfortheEclipseplatformandtheopen-sourceprojectthatdevelopsit.,TheEclipsePHPDevelopmentToolsprojectdeliversaPHPIntegratedDevelopmentEnvironmentframeworkfortheEclipseplatform.Thisprojectencompassesthe ...,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


PHP Development Tools

PHP Development Tools (PDT) is a language IDE plugin for the Eclipse platform and the open-source project that develops it.

eclipse-pdtpdt: PHP Development Tools project (PDT)

The Eclipse PHP Development Tools project delivers a PHP Integrated Development Environment framework for the Eclipse platform. This project encompasses the ...

Eclipse PHP Development Tools

The Eclipse PHP IDE project delivers a PHP Integrated Development Environment framework for the Eclipse platform.

[PHP] 1-1 Eclipse + PHP - RX1226 給你魚竿

PHP在開發環境的安裝上算是比較麻煩的. 除了IDE之外, 還要設定好執行環境才能和其他語言一樣. 在IDE執行之後直接看結果. 執行環境部分.

Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers

The essential tools for any PHP developer, including PHP language support, Git client, Mylyn and editors for JavaScript, HTML, CSS and XML.

Eclipse for PHP Developers

Tools for PHP developers creating Web applications, including PHP Development Tools (PDT), Web Tools Platform, Mylyn and others.

Getting Started with PHP Development in Eclipse

To create a new PHP file, use the wizard at File>New>Other>CodeMix>PHP File. You can simply create a regular file with a php extension as well.


PHP Development Tools(PDT)1.0是Eclipse基金會第一個針對PHP開發社群的專案,預計將有助於擴大Eclipse社群。


PHPDevelopmentTools(PDT)isalanguageIDEpluginfortheEclipseplatformandtheopen-sourceprojectthatdevelopsit.,TheEclipsePHPDevelopmentToolsprojectdeliversaPHPIntegratedDevelopmentEnvironmentframeworkfortheEclipseplatform.Thisprojectencompassesthe ...,TheEclipsePHPIDEprojectdeliversaPHPIntegratedDevelopmentEnvironmentframeworkfortheEclipseplatform.,PHP在開發環境的安裝上算是比較麻煩的.除了IDE之外,還...